This free printable 90 day habit tracker helps you track your progress on 5 goals for 90 days. Handlettered, minimal design makes it pretty enough to have on your fridge!

A couple of years ago, I participated in #thelast90days challenge put on by Rachel Hollis and I made a tracker to encourage me on my progress. I made it pretty specific to the challenge and since then have been more interested in challenging myself with my own domino habits (you know, the ones that create the most momentum in my life) than joining in on a challenge… especially over the holidays.
In today’s post, I’m sharing two free printables: A 90 day tracker specific to the last 90 days challenge and a more generic 90 day habit tracker.
I wish I could tell you I blacked this thing out but that’s not the case- ha!

The Last 90 Days Printable Tracker is almost completely ready for you to start tracking your challenge progress. If you haven’t heard of that challenge, It’s a Rachel Hollis challenge to make lifestyle changes in the last 90 days of the year so that you’re on a roll when it comes to the new year. It takes you through the busiest and hardest season and for me was a total challenge.
I’m definitely an enneagram 7 and love to enjoy the holidays to the fullest, so the holidays isn’t a great time for me to focus on building habits- I like to give myself some down time from work and pretty much everything for a couple weeks before the new year hits. I always leave that time feeling refreshed and ready to go. So the last 90 days wasn’t a great fit for me.
I DO love to build habits though. The blank habit tracker also tracks 5 habits for 90 days (enough time to really settle into a new habit, or nail down one you’ve been struggling with) and has space for goals.
I love these printables, they really encourage me to build good habits and reward myself in a healthy way for doing so. These printables have enough boxes for you to track 90 days starting at anytime of the year and for 5 different goals. Whatever those are.
Some of the suggestions that came in with this request was practising speaking spanish, bible reading, taking your vitamins… it could be whatever you want! I have been using mine for making my bed, having my green drink, getting up with my alarm, keeping up on dishes (family of 6 makes this hard, lol!) and taking the dog for a walk.

It is so fulfilling to see those little squares get colored in as you go through the 90 days. Honestly- my goal is never to black the thing out. Although that would be amazing, my goal is to see more and more squares filled out as I go through the weeks. I want to see progress and building consistency over perfection.
I’ve also lined things up so they go by the days of the week. This way I can see if there’s patterns in which days I skip certain habits. I find this helpful… Are weekends where I fall apart? Our busy day with kids- wednesdays?
The best thing about this free printable 90 day habit tracker to me is that they leave room for you to detail your goal and your reward. I don’t think we celebrate our wins enough and this is a good reminder to do just that. Plus… it might help motivate you 😉
As always, free printables are for personal use only (print for you and all your friends, but don’t sell them, offer them as a download or modify them).
To download these 90 day habit trackers, just add your email to the form above and I’ll deliver them right to your email! They will be delivered in a .zip folder, just double click the zip file to open and see the two PDFs.
You can print these out on card stock or regular paper and I think they’re pretty enough to hang on your fridge, keep at your desk or wherever you want the reminder to build those habits.
If you do download and use these… you know I would love to see them in action! Tag me @handletteredprintables or shoot me an email [email protected]!
Don’t need these files today? Pin it for later! Plus, pinning or sharing to FB helps more people find my work which helps me continue to put out free content for you here at Hand Lettered Printables. Thank you!

Saturday 30th of September 2023
I would love this printable but I do not see the form to add my email... Can you help me with this?
Colleen Pastoor
Monday 18th of December 2023
Hi Sally, I'd reload the page and just give it a second before scrolling down. The form is loading from me and others have been able to use it :)
Friday 30th of December 2022
I don’t see a place to request the printable :(
Tuesday 7th of February 2023
The email form should show up a few seconds into the page loading, the printable is then sent to your email :)
James Jarred
Thursday 17th of November 2022
I’ve been waiting the email from you in order to print your 90 day tracker and I’ve yet to receive it. Could you please send that to me. It looks so useful!!! Thanks
Thursday 17th of November 2022
Hi James, I've emailed you the link! It automatically opens when you hit 'confirm' in the subscription email, so just make sure not to exit out before waiting to see what opens :)