This free printable line art Christmas tree is available in three colours, red, green and black to match your Christmas decor. Just print for modern holiday decor in a hurry!

The most simple decor can sometimes make the biggest impact. A couple of years ago, I created a DIY line art Christmas tree sign on acrylic and I gave a full tutorial with step by step how to make it over on my DIY site,… and while it’s super beautiful, I have had so many requests to turn it into a free printable because some of you all just don’t love to craft or draw yourselves. I totally get it, and I finally bumped that up to the top of my list this holiday season!

This line art tree is super easy to create yourself if you’re interested in giving it a try, you can find the tutorial right here. Alternately, if you do want to give it a try and want to avoid free-handing, you could print this free printable out and trace it onto a piece of acrylic before painting the back.
But if you want to keep it even MORE simple? Just print it out and frame it up, baby! Modern holiday decor in 1 minute flat. You really can’t beat that.

I am a black and white fan, but I know so many of you love to add colour into your holiday home decor, so I’ve made three different versions of this one for you, red, green and black on white. They’re totally minimal so the splash of colour is really cute in these.
To download these free printable line art christmas trees, just enter your email above. It will be delivered to your inbox as a .zip file so all three options are in one folder once you double click on the file to unzip. These are PDF files so they are ready to print on your home printer as any document would.
I love how a framed printable adds instant holiday cheer to my mantel, just leaned against our regular artwork with some greenery in a vase. Isn’t it simple but so joyful?

If you use this printable line art christmas tree, you know I would LOVE to see! You can tag me on social @handletteredprintables or shoot it to me via email, colleen(at)handletteredprintables(dot)com.

Monday 19th of December 2022
Unable to find "LINE ART CHRISTMAS TREE PRINTABLES" to print. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Tuesday 7th of February 2023
The email form should show up a few seconds into the page loading, the printable is then sent to your email 🙂